Traveling can be an exciting experience, but it may also raise some concerns and questions about managing your stoma while flying. Whether you’re a seasoned traveller or embarking on your first trip after stoma surgery, this blog post aims to provide you with practical tips to ensure a smooth journey with your stoma on flights.

  • Plan and prepare: Ensure you have an ample supply of your stoma products. Consider carrying extra supplies in your carry-on bag in case of unexpected delays or lost luggage. It is a good idea to pre-cut your pouches before you travel.
  • Arrange supplies: Don’t forget to order adequate supplies for your holiday in good time. For peace of mind whilst travelling abroad our Respond Global Assistance Service is there to help with emergency stoma supplies when you are travelling outside of the UK if you run low on your supplies. Click here to download a pdf copy of our Global Assistance Policy.
  • Airport security: If you are asked to do a body screening the scan does not show internal body parts but it is likely to highlight the fact that you are wearing a stoma pouch. Security officers have received training to deal with issues like this in an appropriate and sensitive manner, and no physical contact such as a hand search is necessary. We would strongly recommend that you always carry a travel certificate with you. You can show this to the security staff to describe your condition should it be required. Click here to download a pdf copy of our Travel Certificate.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before and during the flight to prevent dehydration, which can affect the consistency of your output. Avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as they can contribute to dehydration.
  • Comfort: Consider booking an aisle seat, which will provide easier access to the toilet facilities. Wear loose fitting and comfortable clothing to avoid unnecessary pressure on your stoma, especially for a long-haul flight.

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Your Travel Guide

Hints & tips for travelling ostomates

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