Privacy policy

How we use your personal information

Respond Healthcare Limited is part of Eakin Healthcare. This privacy notice is to let you know how companies within Eakin Healthcare promise to look after your personal information. This includes what you tell us about yourself, what we learn by having you as a customer, and the choices you give us about what marketing you want us to send you. This notice explains how we do this and tells you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

Users contacting this website and/or its owners do so at their own discretion and provide any such personal details requested at their own risk. Your personal information is kept private and stored securely until a time it is no longer required or has no use, as detailed in the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Our Privacy Promise

We promise:

  • To keep your data safe and private
  • Not to sell your data

How the law protects you

As well as our Privacy Promise, your privacy is protected by law. This section explains how that works.

Data Protection law says that we are allowed to use personal information only if we have a proper reason to do so. This includes sharing it outside Eakin Healthcare. The law says we must have one or more of these reasons:

  • To fulfil a contract we have with you, or
  • When it is our legal duty, or
  • When it is in our legitimate interest, or
  • When you consent to it

A legitimate interest is when we have a business or commercial reason to use your information. But even then, it must not unfairly go against what is right and best for you.

Where we collect personal information from

We may collect personal information about you (or your business) from other companies within Eakin Healthcare and from these sources:

Data you give to us:

  • When you apply for our products and services
  • When you talk to us on the phone
  • When you use our websites, mobile device apps, web chat
  • In emails and letters
  • In customer surveys
  • If you take part in our competitions or promotions

Who we share your personal information with

We may share your personal information with companies within Eakin Healthcare and trusted third parties.

For example:

  • Operational companies such as delivery couriers
  • Appointed distributor in the country in which you live
  • Direct marketing companies who help us manage our electronic communications with you

Here’s the policy we apply to those organisations to keep your data safe and protect your privacy:

  • We provide only the information they need to perform their specific services
  • They may only use your data for the exact purposes we specify in our contract with them
  • We work closely with them to ensure that your privacy is respected and protected at all times

Sharing your data with third parties for their own purposes

We may also be required to disclose your personal data to the police or other enforcement, regulatory or Government bodies, in your country of origin or elsewhere, upon a valid request to do so. These requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis and take the privacy of our customers into consideration.
For further information please contact our Data Protection Office using the contact information shown in the ‘How to get a copy of your personal information’ section.


We may use your personal information to tell you about relevant products and offers. This is what we mean when we talk about ‘marketing’.  The personal information we have for you is made up of what you tell us, and data we collect when you use our services.

We study this to form a view on what we think you may want or need, or what may be of interest to you. This is how we decide which products, may be relevant for you.

We can only use your personal information to send you marketing messages if we have either your consent or a ‘legitimate interest’. That is when we have a business or commercial reason to use your information. It must not unfairly go against what is right and best for you.

You can ask us to stop sending you marketing messages by contacting us at any time.

We may ask you to confirm or update your choices, if there are changes in the law, regulation, or the structure of our business.

If you change your mind you can update your choices at any time by contacting us.

Email newsletter

This website operates an opt-in email newsletter program, used to inform subscribers about products and services supplied by this website. Users can subscribe through an online automated process should they wish to do so, but do so at their own discretion.

Every effort has been made to ensure a safe and secure form to email submission process, but we do advise users using this form that they do so at their own risk.

This website and its owners may use any information submitted to provide you with further information about the products/services they offer or to assist you in answering any questions or queries you may have submitted. This includes using your details to subscribe you to any email newsletter program the website operates but only if this was made clear to you and your express permission was granted when submitting any form to email process. Or whereby you the consumer have previously received samples, purchased from or inquired about purchasing from the company a product or service that the email newsletter relates to.

Some subscriptions may be manually processed through prior written agreement with the user.

We use a third-party provider, HubSpot, to deliver our monthly e-newsletter.

Subscriptions are taken in compliance with UK Spam Laws detailed in the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003. All personal details relating to subscriptions are held securely and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 you may request a copy of personal information held about you by this website’s email newsletter program. If you would like a copy of the information held on you, please write to the business address at the bottom of this policy.

Email marketing campaigns published by this website or its owners may contain tracking facilities within the actual email. Subscriber activity is tracked and stored in a database for future analysis and evaluation. Such tracked activity may include; the opening of emails, forwarding of emails, the clicking of links within the email content, times, dates, frequency of activity and other unlisted activity. This information is used to refine future email campaigns and supply the user with more relevant content based around their activity.

In compliance with UK Spam Laws and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003, subscribers are given the opportunity to unsubscribe at any time through an automated system. This process is detailed at the footer of each email campaign. If an automated unsubscription system is unavailable clear instructions on how to unsubscribe will be detailed instead.

External links

Although this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links, users should always adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website.

The owners of this website cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website despite their best efforts. Users should therefore note they click on external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Advertisements and sponsored links

This website may contain sponsored links and adverts. These will typically be served through our advertising partners, to whom may have detailed privacy policies relating directly to the adverts they serve.

Clicking on any such adverts will send you to the advertiser’s website through a referral program which may use cookies and will tracks the number of referrals sent from this website. This may include the use of cookies which may in turn be saved on your computer’s hard drive. Users should therefore note they click on sponsored external links at their own risk and this website, and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Social media platforms

Communication, engagement and actions taken through external social media platforms that this website and its owners participate on, are custom to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively.

Users are advised to use social media platforms wisely and communicate/engage upon them with due care and caution regarding their own privacy and personal details. This website nor its owners will ever ask for personal or sensitive information through social media platforms and encourage users wishing to discuss sensitive details to contact them through primary communication channels such as by telephone or email.

This website may use social sharing buttons which help share web content directly from web pages to the social media platform in question. Users are advised before using such social sharing buttons that they do so at their own discretion and note that the social media platform may track and save your request to share a web page respectively through your social media platform account.

Shortened links in social media

This website and its owners through their social media platform accounts may share web links to relevant web pages. By default, some social media platforms shorten lengthy URL’s [web addresses].

Users are advised to take caution and good judgement before clicking any shortened URL’s published on social media platforms by this website and its owners. Despite the best efforts to ensure only genuine URL’s are published many social media platforms are prone to spam and hacking and therefore this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any shortened links.

How long we keep your personal information

We will keep your personal information for as long as you are a customer of Eakin Healthcare.

After you stop being a customer, we may keep your data for up to 7 years for one of these reasons:

  • To respond to any questions or complaints
  • To maintain records according to rules that apply to us

We may keep your data for longer than 7 years if we cannot delete it for legal, regulatory or technical reasons. We may also keep it for research or statistical purposes. If we do, we will make sure that your privacy is protected and only use it for these purposes.

How to get a copy of your personal information

You can access your personal information we hold by writing to us at this address:

Data Protection Officer
Eakin Healthcare
15 Ballystockart Road,
BT23 5QY,
Northern Ireland

Alternatively, you can email [email protected]

To facilitate this request as quickly as possible, please use the following template to ensure we have all the information required to process your request.

Subject Access Request

[Your full name and address and any other details to help identify you and the information you want.]

Please supply the information about me I am entitled to under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 relating to: [give specific details of the information you want], for example:

Information stored on our system about your medical history (between [include dates]);

Copies of statements (between [include dates]) held in account number #### where applicable].

If you need any more information from me, please let me know as soon as possible.

I understand that you will endeavour to supply this information within the 30-day legal time limit for a request for information under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.

Yours faithfully,

Letting us know if your personal information is incorrect

You have the right to question any information we have about you that you think is wrong or incomplete. Please contact us if you want to do this.

If you do, we will take reasonable steps to check its accuracy and correct it.

What if you want us to stop using your personal information?

You have the right to object to our use of your personal information, or to ask us to delete, remove, or stop using your personal information if there is no need for us to keep it. This is known as the ‘right to object’ and ‘right to erasure’, or the ‘right to be forgotten’.

There may be legal or other official reasons why we need to keep or use your data. But please tell us if you think that we should not be using it.

We may sometimes be able to restrict the use of your data. This means that it can only be used for certain things, such as legal claims or to exercise legal rights. In this situation, we would not use or share your information in other ways while it is restricted.

You can ask us to restrict the use of your personal information if:

  • It is not accurate
  • It has been used unlawfully but you don’t want us to delete it
  • It is not relevant any more, but you want us to keep it for use in legal claims
  • You have already asked us to stop using your data but you are waiting for us to tell you if we are allowed to keep on using it

If you want to object to how we use your data, or ask us to delete it or restrict how we use it or, please contact our Data Protection Office using the contact information shown in the How to get a copy of your personal information section.

How to withdraw your consent

You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please contact our Data Protection Office using the contact information shown in the ‘How to get a copy of your personal information’ section if you wish to do so.

How to complain

Please let us know if you are unhappy with how we have used your personal information. You can contact our Data Protection Office using the contact information shown in the ‘How to get a copy of your personal information’ section.

You also have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Find out on their website how to report a concern.