I'm a 44-year-old living with an ileostomy due to Crohn’s disease. In 2023, I underwent a "Kendoll bum" surgery, marking a significant milestone in my journey. Embracing this transformation, I navigate life with resilience, positivity, and a renewed sense of hope.
Fun fact: I have so many sporting hobbies that my schedule looks like a pro athlete's training calendar!

I have had a stoma for more years of my life than I haven’t. I have always had a love hate relationship with my bowel! I’m an animal lover and I really enjoy travelling, especially by train.
Fun fact: I was a torchbearer when the Olympics came to London in 2012.

I’m 28 and I’ve been living with a stoma since undergoing emergency surgery in November 2022. Within a year of surgery I moved into my first home, got engaged in Paris (favourite city) and became a dog mum!
Fun fact: I love baking and make a really good chocolate brownie.

I’m 32 and I’ve had my life-saving, permanent ileostomy since 2011 due to Crohn’s disease, diagnosed age 7. I am a wife, a dog mum, a coffee and tea lover, music lover and also love styling an outfit. I love to help others on their ostomy journey.
Fun fact: I go to singing lessons in my spare time and performed live for the first time a couple of years ago.

I am a mother of two, who uses her little corner of social media to support and connect with people in time of need.
Fun fact: I have lived with an ostomy, to go on to have a j pouch, to go full circle to an ostomy again. It gave me my life back and I will never take it for granted.

I have a Colostomy due to Crohn's disease, I have also had Barbie/Ken butt surgery. Colostomy surgery has given me my life back and I intend to live it!
Fun fact: This took some thinking, I love Pickled Onion Monster Munch.

I lead a super busy lifestyle, but I adore spending time with my family and friends, going on holidays and I’m partial to a cocktail or two!
Fun fact: I do headstands to get rid of hiccups 🤣

I am 27 and I live in Merseyside on the Wirral. I live my best life with an ileostomy bag. I have had IBD since the age of 9 and last year I was clinically diagnosed with endometriosis.
Fun fact: I grew up a trained dancer from age 3 till age 17.

I’m 33 and have had Crohn’s disease since I was 14, I was diagnosed at 16. I had stoma surgery in 2023 following some complications. I am a mother of two, and have two dogs, a cat and seven ducks. I love going for walks and spending time with loved ones.
Fun fact: I am double jointed in a few of my fingers, and my hands always look a bit weird.
I currently work as a Recruitment Consultant in London and I’m originally from Essex. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2019 and have had my stoma bag since 2021.
Fun fact: I have a psychology degree and I’m totally dog obsessed!
I'm an ostomate of 13 years, rocking life with a passion for helping and connecting with others. I love meeting fellow ostomates and embracing the adventure of life with my bag by my side!
Fun fact: I once owned Aura Clothing, a brand specifically designed for ostomates that blended comfort and style.
I have an ileostomy and I spread awareness about life with a stoma bag showing you can live a beautiful life and do all the things you did pre-stoma bag!
Fun fact: I was born with one kidney.
I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the age of 38 and after two rounds of chemo I contracted staph infection where my bowel had perforated. My stoma saved my life and my mission is to help educate and stop the stigma around it.
Fun fact: When I'm feeling under the weather, I curl up with a blanket, grab a Ben & Jerry's and watch The Devil Wears Prada (I have a secret crush on Meryl Streep).
I am 34 years old and I have had my ileostomy for 3.5 years after suffering with ulcerative colitis for 11 years prior.
Fun fact: I love exercising, especially weight training and rugby. Yes you can do these activities with a stoma.
I'm an award-winning bus driver from Llanelli. I had my ileostomy in 2012, having suffered with ulcerative colitis, and have enjoyed being an ambassador for Respond; raising awareness of hidden disabilities has become a passion.
Fun fact: I recently won an episode of Michael McIntyre’s The Wheel - and of course I’ve had a selfie with him.