Importance of raising stoma awareness for World Ostomy Day

When I first woke up from surgery with my stoma bag I hated everything about it. I hated how I thought life would now be that I have a piece of my intestine coming through my tummy and a bag attached to my abdomen.

I automatically thought it was disgusting – it would smell, I wouldn’t be able to wear the clothing I loved, I wouldn’t be able to do the things I did such as training and swimming and no one would find me attractive and this was only tip of the iceberg how I actually felt!

These feelings all came from my perception of how I thought things would be like having a stoma bag. I knew if I felt this way many others would too, and this really affected my mental health, confidence and life in general as I struggled to deal with all this.

As time went on and I began to see that the thoughts I had about having a stoma bag where actually not true, and the products that are designed for those with stoma bags are amazing, my perceptions began to change. I grew more and more confident. Nothing got in my way of what I wanted to do or wear, in fact I would go as far to say I am more confident now than what I was before having my stoma bag!

Stoma awareness

Having a stoma bag is seen as being a taboo subject. People who have them are ashamed to talk about them and this is where my misperceptions came from and this is why for me stoma bag awareness is so important.

There are aspects of having a stoma bag that can be challenging without a doubt and I also feel it is important to share and spread awareness on this to show others they are not alone and we are all in this together. By sharing tips and experiences around this through awareness, is equally as important. I have read horrific stories where people have made comments that they would rather die than have a stoma bag due to how they think their life would be. People with debilitating illnesses and symptoms put off getting a stoma bag and would rather live with these symptoms due to how they feel life would be like with a stoma bag, and those awaiting surgery are afraid and feel like their life will be extremely different once they have the surgery… I wanted to show all these people that this was not the case and this is why I do what I do on my page!

I feel the more we talk about something and are more open and honest about these subjects will not only educate others on something that is seen as embarrassing or taboo, but the more it becomes less of these things. I feel by shedding light on these subjects’ answers so many unanswered questions for those who may have the surgery ahead of them and are worried, and for those who judge others because they have perceptions rather than facts. It helps create awareness around invisible disabilities/illnesses and has helped set in motion things that those living with invisible disabilities-illnesses have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Awareness pages creates a safe environment for someone that may be suffering in silence or someone who has unanswered questions that they are ashamed to ask and could possibly save someone’s life!

Maryrose @big_c_stomaandme

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