With some planning and preparation your stoma shouldn’t stop you from attending festivals and embracing the experience. Here are some top tips to help you have a comfortable and enjoyable time.


  • Locate the festival’s accessible toilets or facilities when you arrive. Carry a small travel bag with your supplies for discreet transportation. You could consider a solidifying agent to help thicken your output if you have limited access to toilet facilities, most manufacturers offer this type of product.
  • Make sure you have an adequate supply of your stoma products, including pouches, seals, and other accessories that you use. Pack more than you think you’ll need to be prepared for unexpected situations or emergencies. If you’re limited on space, try our our REFRESH 3 in 1 which comes as a handy travel size of 50ml.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration, which can affect your stoma output. Avoid excessive alcohol or caffeinated beverages, as they can dehydrate your body and affect stool consistency.
  • Comfortable clothing: Wear what makes you feel comfortable.
  • Proper skin care around your stoma is essential to prevent irritation and maintain a healthy stoma site. Cleanse the area gently and thoroughly, and ensure it is completely dry before applying a new pouch. Consider using COMFORT flange extenders to increase pouch longevity and to help your pouch stay in place letting you dance all day with that added security.
  • Most importantly have fun and don’t let your stoma hold you back from enjoying the festival experience.

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