You have a stoma bag, what now? | by Maryrose

After my stoma surgery, navigating life was different. I now had to think about when I needed to change my stoma bag, certain foods that may affect my stoma, clothing and underwear that I could wear with my stoma, and so much more. Looking back, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I was winging it and winning, but I wish I had had a few tips to make things easier.

First off, I would recommend making a list of questions to ask your stoma nurse. When you are put on the spot, it’s hard to remember what you need to ask, so write them down as you remember and bring them with you to your appointment. Some of these questions may include: Where and how do I order my supplies? What foods should I avoid? How does the stoma work?

Record your bag change days on a calendar. I change my bag every other day to ensure my peristomal skin remains in good condition. But with so many other things going on in life, it’s easy to forget when your last bag change was. This will help establish your routine at the beginning.

Find a routine that works for you. If an evening bag change works better than a morning bag change, then do what works and stick to it, especially at the beginning. It gives you one less thing to worry about. Find a storage system that works and give yourself enough space to lay your products out, so you have everything at hand during a change.

After your initial stage, gradually introduce specific foods to your diet. Keep a food diary of what you have eaten in case of any blockages, extra gas, increased output, or pancaking. You will have a better idea of how to manage these foods, whether it be cutting them out completely or doing things differently the next time you have them (i.e. chewing more, having less at one time, etc.).

Finally, be kind to yourself, have patience, and try to trust the process. You have been through a lot, and it’s a new way of life to get used to. Take things one day at a time and know that things will get easier.


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