Swimming with a stoma bag | by Maryrose

Swimming is up there with one of the most feared things when you first get your stoma bag: will I be able to go in the bath without this bag falling off, can I go swimming, what will others think when they see me getting into the pool with a stoma bag?

All of the above played heavily on my mind and one by one I took the plunge, literally, to overcome each and every one of these points and I can confirm that yes you can take a bath and no the bag will not fall off, of course you can go swimming and what others think of you going into the pool is none of your business!

This may sound easier said than done which is why it’s important to do this at your own pace and time.

Start slow

So I started with the bath and progressed from there. When I first went on holidays it took until my fourth day to build the courage up to get into the pool but I did it and it was absolutely fine. On my first holiday I wore a swimsuit for extra support but since then I have wore both bikinis and swim suits and went Into the pool and ocean and I’ve never had my bag come off or come loose.

Extra protection 

It can be extremely daunting but your stoma bag is designed to stay put for things like that and you can take extra measures by adding flange extenders which will add extra protection around the base plate of your stoma bag to ensure it stays sealed and attached for longer. You can also wear a support belt over your stoma bag for increased support and just in case there is any mishaps and can be contained within your the belt.

When using the pool I did have to do more bag changes as the adhesive will be weakened more especially if you are in the pool for longer periods of time. Extra sweating with the heat also plays a part in this so just ensure you pack more than your usual supplies to allow for this and bring your emergency kit to the pool with you.

Don’t fear it

Finally, don’t fear the pool or taking a bath or going into sea. If you feel more comfortable adding the extra measures I have suggested, then do that but don’t miss out on the things you enjoy.

Maryrose @big_c_stomaandme

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