Reasons why I love my stoma

With Valentine’s Day this month, it is the time of year perhaps when love is at the forefront of our minds so it seems apt to write about why I love my stoma!

Self- love is something I feel very strongly about and I really care that so many people these days can’t seem to see anything good about themselves. We are all different and unique; we are all special in our own way. Perhaps it’s time we learned to celebrate our diversity a bit more!

Many people who end up with a stoma struggle to see past the body-changing operation to what is actually life-saving surgery. Stomas are formed for many life-threatening  reasons, maybe IBD and bowel cancer could be just two of them. Yes, a stoma may not look that pretty to some people but without this incredible ‘device’ I could have lost my life. I would have my stoma again tomorrow just to be here and alive.

I have been a proud ostomate for almost eleven years and my stoma has allowed me to live a normal, happy and healthy life doing things that had been taken away from me through my crippling Ulcerative colitis. Like many ostomates, I have been able to return to work to a job I love. I am now a proud award-winning bus driver, and I remain eternally grateful to the surgeon who gave me back the chance to fulfil my potential.

At the end of the day there are so many fantastic stoma products available to help us look after our ostomies. The various products, such as the ones I get from Pelican, are kind and nourishing to skin, the bags are slim, discreet and come in different colours to suit different outfits. It doesn’t take long to learn when you need to empty your bag or do a bag change; food choices and plenty of fluids help to keep your stoma a happy stoma.

So, to conclude, I would suggest that if you are feeling down about your stoma, look around and try to see a bigger picture. Stomas save lives. Think and give you and your stoma the love you deserve. 💟💜

Keith @keiththom2014

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