Welcome to our brand-new series of features working in conjunction with our team of nurses to focus on topics that you may or may not be familiar with. Whether you are a new ostomate or you have had your stoma for several years, this could really benefit you.

So, in this feature we are going to talk about leaks…

We know leaks can be a common challenge for an ostomate, and recently our Community Stoma Healthcare Assistant Christine helped a patient with a leak problem. Christine’s recommendation of using a solidifying agent helped resolve the problem.

Her patient underwent bowel surgery, and formation of an ileostomy for bowel cancer in December 2019. He had a history of radiotherapy to his throat and experienced some side effects following his treatment, one of which was a dry mouth. To aid this he frequently had to sip fluids to keep his mouth moist.

During a routine home visit Christine noticed that his stoma output had become very watery and he was experiencing leakages from his pouch. Christine recommended to use ABSORB odour neutralising absorbent gel to help with the watery output. With the help of ABSORB his stoma output massively improved, as did his confidence.

ABSORB is solidifying agent gel that helps prevent leaking by dissolving directly into the stoma bag. The gel will dissolve over time to absorb the extra fluid of the pouch contents. Suitable for both ileostomies and colostomies where the output is fluid, it will help manage noise and leaks. ABSORB will also help with pouch security at night.

The Care Range Absorb Odour Neutralising Absorbent Gel


How can this help YOU?

  • Does your bag leak?
  • Do you find it difficult and messy when emptying your pouch?
  • Does your stoma pouch leak or explode at night?
  • Are you worried others can smell your output?
  • Do you feel embarrassed when your pouch makes a sloshy noise?

If you have answered yes to ANY of the above, then ABSORB is maybe for you. Sample yours today. Simply click on the icon below.



Disclaimer: If you are experiencing prolonged and unexpected watery and/ or high output, you may wish to discuss this further with your Stoma Care Nurse.


Thank you to our Community Stoma Healthcare Assistant, Christine Grimley for sharing this case study with us.


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